the chamber of commerce and industry expects a “billion euros” in damage

According to its president, “200 businesses were burned and destroyed.” 2,000 jobs are affected.


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A dealership burned in the Magenta district of Nouméa on May 20, 2024. (THEO ROUBY / AFP)

The New Caledonia Chamber of Commerce and Industry is revising upwards its assessment of damage linked to the riots for businesses. “Today, we are aiming for a billion euros”, indicates Tuesday May 21 on franceinfo its president, David Guyenne, to France Culture. On Thursday, it reported more than 200 million euros in damage.

Across New Caledonia, “it’s considerable”, And “above all, all sectors of activity are affected”explains the business manager. “The majority of commerce, of course, but also industries and above all many service companies, notably car dealerships”he adds.

“We will also have to think about the indirect costs for the economy. 200 Companies burned and destroyed, that corresponds to more than 2,000 employees. The community will have to be able to ensure their salaries and unemployment, we will also have to be able to support businesses which certainly have not been burned and damaged, but which will have to operate in a completely degraded economic climate for a fairly significant period. “he points out.

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