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Since January 1, 2022, France has taken over the head of the European Union for the next six months. Beyond the symbol, what are the challenges of this French presidency?
France assure, dsince January 1, 2022, the presidency of the European Union for six months. “The values that our European Union carries, democracy, the balance between freedom and solidarity, a certain idea of man, are those which will make it possible to meet our contemporary challenges“, declared Emmanuel Macron during his wishes to the French for the year 2022. But what does this function consist of? France will chair the Council of the European Union, one of the main bodies, the one which brings together the ministers of each country around a table to find compromises.
As president, France will be master of the agenda and will be able to put forward its priorities, already set. In the social field, there is a desire to create a European minimum wage. Regarding the digital sector, Emmanuel Macron wants to regulate platforms. Finally, he wants a carbon tax to be created at the borders. But this agenda could be shattered depending on the news. This is what happened to Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008, during the last French presidency of the European Union. He had to react to the financial crisis and the war in Georgia.