The challenge of reducing urban sprawl

Are you looking for new objectives for 2023 in the Quebec region? Why not reduce urban sprawl. With highways in all directions, limiting urban dispersion is a real challenge for Quebec.

Urban sprawl has several undesirable consequences on the environment and is a real financial drain on governments; so how to reduce it? It should be noted that it is especially young families who are attracted to the suburbs. They are looking for a better quality of life, the presence of nature, larger land and the absence of pollution. This takes the form of a large house, in a quiet area, one car per adult, a swimming pool, outdoor games for children and a garden.

The problem is that this ideal is destroying the planet. The city should be designed to be pleasant and at the same time minimize the consumption of resources. To achieve this, the city must offer good neighborhood public services such as: swimming pools, parks with games, libraries, skating rinks, walking paths, bike paths, community gardens, efficient public transport, etc.

The question of cost is also very important for a young couple in their decision to settle in the city or in the suburbs. At first glance, it may seem more advantageous to choose the suburbs, with lower land prices and lower taxes. However, in the medium term, the savings made are quickly exceeded by the purchase of a second and sometimes a third car, long-distance travel, not to mention the time spent due to congestion. In town, you can live with just one car, and sometimes even without a car, taking advantage of the proximity of services, public transport and the availability of car sharing. The savings can then be considerable.

The city of Quebec is already making efforts to fight against urban sprawl by increasing the density of its buildings. It could also purchase large lots to build land banks, which could be resold later by escaping land speculation and thus reducing the cost for buyers.

It is often said that one must change one’s way of life in order to envisage the future in a viable way. Tackling urban sprawl in Quebec means fighting the main regional environmental problem and thus adapting to an uncertain future in terms of climate change. Isn’t that a great challenge for 2023?

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