the challenge of energy renovation in social housing



France 3

Article written by

S. Guillaumin, M. Schelcher A. Morvan, E. Rattenni, Y. Saidani – France 3

France Televisions

The finance bill, presented on Monday, September 26, devotes an envelope to the energy renovation of HLMs. 14% of them would be “energy sieves”. However, it is much higher in some regions. Report in Hauts-de-France.

Since her building in Hazebrouck (Nord) was renovated, Christelle Chatelain’s life has changed. “I leave my curtains open, the sun actually heats the house. It’s still more beautiful, brighter. In terms of energy, it was a walking disaster. At one time, it felt like to heat the streets”she says.

In this social housing estate built in the early 1960s, work started two years ago. Plates of insulating rock wool have been fixed on the outside. The windows and other equipment have been changed. Simone Devos, tenant for 23 years, appreciates. “We feel that there is no more air as before. (…) Life, it is better”, she rejoices. Thanks to the project, 174 housing units in the city will go from label F, “thermal sieve”, to B, “low consumption”. In Hauts-de-France, one inhabitant in four lives in social housing. With soaring energy prices, all landlords are stepping up the pace of renovations. In Villeneuve d’Ascq (North), nearly 300 apartments have just been insulated.

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