the CGT Mines-Énergie is preparing “to strike as much as possible”

In his pension reform project, Emmanuel Macron provides for the end of special schemes for new entrants. unacceptable for Sébastien Menesplier, General Secretary of the CGT Mines-Énergie.

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The head of state, re-elected, defends a new pension reform project. In particular, he proposes, if he obtains a majority in the National Assembly, to abolish the special regimes for new entrants, at EDF for example. Eco guest of franceinfo, Sébastien Menesplier, secretary general of the CGT Mines-Énergie, has already announced that he opposes it: “The special diet must be maintained“.

I can tell you that the Mines-Energy federation will call on workers to strike as much as possible to oppose this reform“, he warns. Sébastien Menesplier defends a “surplus plan, self-funded, and which is an example for everyone of the work“. The union leader believes that companies in the sector will be able to continue to support this special scheme, despite EDF’s degraded finances: “The electricity and gas industries are not just EDF“.

“Our special scheme recognizes the hardship, and allows to anticipate retirement at 57.5 years.”

Sébastien Menesplier, general secretary of the CGT Mines-Energie

on franceinfo

We really have tough jobshe insists. We, we would prefer that the Head of State make a reform to pull up the general system“.”This is our employment contract“, he continues, “whether you are a new recruit or a veteran. We are used in this country to always drag things down. Why wouldn’t we react differently?“.

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