the CGT claims to have cut the power at the Stade de France and at the Olympic Village site in Saint-Denis

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12:41 p.m. : Agents from the gas and electricity sector have cut off the power to the Stade de France and the Olympic village site in Saint-Denis, announces the CGT union. “The action has deprived the Olympic Village, the district at the level of the commercial area, data centers and also the Stade de France of energy”declares Sébastien Menesplier, the general secretary of the CGT energy.

12:37 : The headquarters of Enedis in Valence (Drôme) was deprived of power, learned France Bleu Drôme Ardèche. The information was also confirmed by the Enedis group. The power cut occurred around 7:30 a.m. The approximately 150 head office employees who usually work on the Lautagne plateau had to telecommute. According to the company, this is a “wild” power cut led by opponents of pension reform.

12:14 p.m. : The vote of article 7 in the Senate reveals the fractures within the line!

Let’s continue to put pressure on every parliamentarian. Our determination is total!

See you Saturday 11 in all the cities of France.


12:32 p.m. : Fabien Roussel believes that the vote for article 7 (relating to the age measurement, departure at 64) “reveals the fractures within the right”. The communist deputy calls “put pressure on every parliamentarian”.

10:59 : Good morning @lululanantaise I rely again on the article by my comrade Margaux Duguet to answer you. In the event of agreement on a compromise text in the joint joint committee, it will then come back for final reading in the Assembly and can no longer be amended by the deputies.

10:59 : Hello France Info and thank you for your great quality work. I have a technical but important question: once past the CMP on 03/15, will the National Assembly be able to amend the text again or will it have to vote only on what came out of the CMP? THANKS !

11:01 a.m. : Good morning @Laurence, the composition of the joint committee depends on the size of the political groups. On the side of the National Assembly, Renaissance has three seats, the Modem one, while the Republicans, the National Rally and La France insoumise have one each, explains my colleague Margaux Duguet in this article. As for the senators, the Republicans have three seats, the centrists, the socialists, the communists and the European democratic and social assembly group have one each.

10:56 : Hello FI Do you know how the 7 deputies and 7 senators of the joint committee are chosen?

10:19 : Good morning @Cantalou, Yes of course. Full details of the votes on article 7 of the reform can be found on the Senate website. The article which pushes back the legal age of departure to 64 years old was adopted by 201 votes for and 115 votes against. Within the Les Républicains group, 127 senators voted in favor, 15 abstained and two voted against (Sylvie Goy-Chavent and Alain Houpert).

10:19 : Hello, can we know the names of the senators voting for the postponement to 64? Thank you for your work.

10:13 a.m. : The actions against the pension reform continue today. In the North, for example, the Lille 2 university is blocked, reports the Solidaires Étudiant e s Lille unionSolidarity Students Lille. Fuel shipments are also still blocked this morning at the exit of the refineries of the TotalEnergies group.

10:16 a.m. : A CGT activist died last night after accidentally falling from a statue during the demonstration against pension reform on Tuesday in Saint-Etienne (Loire), his company announced. This 51-year-old man, who had fallen several meters and whose head had hit stone slabs, had been transported in a state deemed “very serious”.

09:30 : Good morning @Markhere is the video of Philippe Martinez’s interview this morning in France 2’s “4 Truths”.


09:29 : Hello, where can we see this morning’s interview with Mr. Martinez? Thanks in advance.

09:27 : Good morning @Corinne ! On the side of the CGT, Philippe Martinez estimated that the adoption in the Senate of article 7 on the decline in the legal age of departure “did not change anything in the determination and mobilization”. Same story with Laurent Berger of the CFDT: “We have to show our determination, always calmly, in a peaceful way”

09:27 : Hello franceinfo and thank you for your wonderful work. How did trade unionists react to the senate vote? THANKS. Good day to all

08:41 : .@MLP_officiel: “The Republicans, especially in the Senate, are becoming Emmanuel Macron’s main ally, and are even more royalist than the king” #le7930inter

08:54 : The president of the RN group in the National Assembly, on the other hand, castigates the senators Les Républicains, who have become, according to her, “Emmanuel Macron’s main ally” And “who are even more royalist than the king”.

08:33 : “I am not pessimistic, I think that in the National Assembly, there is no majority to vote for this retirement”in part “thanks to a few Republican deputies whom I congratulate”reacts Marine Le Pen on France Inter.

08:32 : “No pension reform since 1993 has been done without having a part extremely against”, recalls @gerard_larcher on #Europe1

08:31 : A “essential step”, according to Gerard Larcher. The president Les Républicains du Sénat welcomes on Europe 1 the adoption of article 7 of the pension reform by the upper house.

08:26 : “What do you have to do to be heard?”

On France Bleu Loire Océan, Laurent Berger observes in the ranks of activists “a kind of incomprehension, unease and anger that begins to rise”. The general secretary of the CFDT denounces a “contempt” from the executive, which he feels is not listening to the opposition.

07:56 : Philippe Martinez: “Imagine the adoption of the #ReformesDesRetraites without a vote by a 49.3? It can set fire to the powder. Such contempt for a social movement, that’s real violence” ?? #Les4V @lacgtcommunique https ://

07:56 : “The Head of State must [les syndicats] receive and listen to us”insists Philippe Martinez, who pleads for the withdrawal of the reform.

08:00 : Philippe Martinez donated 500 euros to the CGT strike fund in January, has also learned franceinfo from a union source. The secretary general of the CGT, a union representative at Renault, does not strike, but he supports the movement by donating part of his salary each day of mobilization.

07:49 : Philippe Martinez reacts to the adoption in the Senate of article 7 on the decline in the legal age of departure. It does not change anything in the determination and the mobilization”assures the leader of the CGT on the set of “4 Truths” on France 2.


07:40 : Good morning @Yann, it is the principle of the “parliamentary shuttle” fixed by article 45 of the Constitution: a text of law must go back and forth between the National Assembly and the Senate until it is adopted in identical terms by both chambers. In the event of persistent disagreements or an accelerated procedure, a joint joint commission, made up of seven deputies and seven senators, may be brought together to try to find a compromise text.

07:40 : Hello FI. What good is the National Assembly if the Senate can vote and rewrite all the articles?

07:31 : Opinion title on a possible recourse to article 49.3 to have the pension reform adopted. A hypothesis that seems more and more inevitableaccording to the daily.

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07:10 : According to the president of the French Union of Petroleum Industries, “7%” service stations are short of one of the fuels. “Unfortunately, there are constantly fuel stations running out of fuel, regardless of the strikes, so we were slightly above the normal level of fuel shortages at stations”, adds Olivier Gantois on franceinfo. But, there is “no problem, supplying service stations in France today” he assures.

06:35 : Good morning @Marriedthe Senate website mentions that around 1,220 amendments still need to be considered.

07:26 : Hello Alice. How many amendments remain associated with the 13 articles to be debated in the Senate? Thank you and good day.

07:27 : After the adoption of article 7 on the decline in the legal age of departure, discussions on the reform will resume at 10.30 a.m. in the Senate. The session will begin with the examination of a controversial amendment by the leader of the LR senators, Bruno Retailleau, who pleads for the end of the special regimes to apply to employees already in office.

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