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L’summer 2022 has summer Mark by a beluga and a killer whale in the Seine or even a whale stranded on the Île-de-Sein. facts that underline the increasingly significant presence of cetaceans on our ribs.
Black shadows on the surface of the water, approaching dangerously, gave Gaël Ledoux the fright of his life. “I’m being attacked by the orcs”, he comments in a video. Alone near the Spanish coast, the skipper tried to persuade them not to break his boat. Fortunately, his sailboat will not be damaged. Rolf StorksonNorwegian skipper, was not so lucky. “Suddenly the rudder turned all the way one way and then all the way the other. It turned one last time, something was wrong”he recalls.
One of the Scandinavian’s friends has also been rammed, like around twenty boats since 2020, but this is the first time off Brittany. Marine mammals that sometimes come to a sad end. A twenty-meter, 25-tonne whale was completely exhausted when it ran aground on Ile-de-Sein (Finistère). Climate change could modify the habitat of cetaceans and bring them closer to fishing grounds. The noise of boats has a confusing effect on these mammals. Concerning the killer whales, no fatal attack has been recorded.