​The CERVO Foundation fights against the stigma of mental illness

This text is part of the special section Philanthropy

“More than 100 years ago, people who suffered from epilepsy were put in psychiatric hospitals because we did not know what they had, illustrates the Dr Yves De Koninck, director of the CERVO research center and full professor of psychiatry and neurosciences at Laval University. Now these are people who have completely normal lives. »

At the CERVO Research Center, seasoned scientists like him try to lift the veil on the mysteries and dysfunctions of the human brain in order to better prevent, detect and treat mental health problems. But a major obstacle continues to stand in the way of the advance of science in the field: stigma. And it is for this reason that the Foundation invests a large part of its efforts in the fight against the latter.

Doctor Yves De Koninck lists several effects of taboos and prejudices concerning mental health. Less popular than other areas, mental health research will garner far fewer donations than causes like the fight against cancer. It is also dependent on periodic government grants. Because of the stigma, many patients will wait until the disease is at an advanced stage before going to consult, when means of prevention could be put in place to reduce the risks, as for any other disease.

“The great challenge of mental illness is stigmatization, which requires demystification, believes the expert. We must make people understand that mental illness is a disease like any other, there are medical and biological bases, recalls the scientist. We tend to think it’s people’s fault. We have to talk about it and invest to understand. »

Changing mindsets

To raise awareness, the CERVO Foundation is particularly involved in the development of tools devoted to mental health, such as the Practical Guide. Signs and symptoms of brain diseases. She is also a conference partner for the general public in the series Face-to-face organized three or four times a year, or of the series Cervo at workwhich makes it possible to instil best practices in the management of human resources by companies.

Confinement, stress, depression, financial difficulties… The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of mental health, specifies Mr. De Koninck. “COVID is also a mental health crisis,” says the researcher. Through that, we saw how important it is to see to the mental health of citizens and how ill-equipped we are. »

At the head of the Foundation, Maryse Beaulieu also sees perceptions changing rapidly. “When I arrived at the Foundation 11 years ago, there were people who told me ‘you’re not going to do that!’ We use it in our expressions: “you are mentally ill, you are crazy”, she laments. But these are diseases that are linked to an organ, the brain. At the start, there was no company that wanted to talk about it, but we got testimonials from business people who have friends who committed suicide,” she says, observing the breaking of certain taboos. .

To reduce the impact of these diseases on the health system, people must know the associated symptoms and go to consult in time, pleads Mme Beaulieu. “For example, if a child is screened for their vulnerability to developing anxiety disorders or bipolarity, it is possible to reduce the risk factors in order to prevent them from developing these problems during their lifetime. If we had another physical problem, we would talk to our doctor about it… We have to be willing to talk about it! »

The culture of mutual aid

“Even behind artificial intelligence, it is the human brain that is at the heart of technology,” notes François Dion, president and CEO of Levio, a company that supports companies in their evolution with technology.

During the pandemic, François Dion’s team collaborated with the CERVO Foundation to raise awareness and raise funds from its partners. Companies donating to the Foundation had access to awareness workshops for their employees, and a mental health kit developed for companies.

“When we establish a culture of mutual aid, we use philanthropy as a lever [pour faire changer les choses] says Mr. Dion with conviction. He specifies that approximately 2,000 people were able to benefit from this kit, and that the effort raised more than $600,000, given to the Foundation. “It takes collective effort,” he said. We need people who collaborate. »

Some statistics to change perceptions

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