The CEO of Laval leaves his post with an indemnity of more than $600,000

After serving just over four years as Ville de Laval’s director general, Jacques A. Ulysse will step down on February 10 following an agreement reached with Mayor Stéphane Boyer. But the senior official does not leave empty-handed since he will receive compensation of more than $600,000.

Mayor Boyer himself announced the departure of Mr. Ulysse on Monday in a press release. However, he did not reveal the reasons that led to this decision and invoked the confidentiality of the file.

The mayor, however, specified that Mr. Ulysse will be entitled to the equivalent of 22 months of full-time salary, or $617,000. “According to the case law observed, several factors influence the severance pay, including the age of the person concerned and his ability to find a comparable job. In fact, all the experts consulted confirmed to me that our negotiated agreement was faithful to our obligations, no more, no less,” explained the mayor.

“A gentleman we lose”

Former deputy director general of the City, Mr. Ulysse was promoted to the position of director general in December 2018, under the administration of Marc Demers, after the departure of Serge Lamontagne who had accepted the position of director general of the City of Montreal. . Mr. Ulysse’s contract had no fixed term, said Mayor Boyer’s office.

The mandate of Jacques A. Ulysse will end on February 10, but the decision must first be ratified by the executive committee on Wednesday.

In the ranks of the opposition, the news of Mr. Ulysse’s departure was greeted with surprise. “I didn’t see it coming,” admitted Achille Cifelli, councilor for the Val-des-Arbres district and acting head of Action Laval, who had only good words for the senior official. “He was a man on the ground, attentive and always ready to find solutions to help us. For me, it’s a gentleman that we lose. »

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