the Centre-Val de Loire region is preparing its future economy

What face for tomorrow’s economy in the Centre-Val de Loire? How to attract companies, revitalize employment pools, particularly in Berry? These questions, the States General of the economy and employment in our region try to answer it, by questioning the actors of the local economy during workshops which will continue until April 6th. Objective: to develop the economic strategy for the next five years, around different themes. Passed in Issoudun this month of March, the workshops focused on relocation and training, two major issues.

It requires investment – François Bonneau, regional president

We have an industrial region, much more than others” remarks François Bonneau, president of the region, who defends relocation, that is to say the repatriation of production activities currently abroad. Objective: to convince them to settle in the employment areas of the Centre-Val de Loire, while working to preserve the activities already present. “In Châteauroux for examplecontinues François Bonneau, there is a strong commitment from the State and the Region to maintain a company that produces aluminum rims, it is a strong principle of localization of our productions. Yes, it requires investment, skills, innovation.” Economic budget of the region: 60 million euros and 200 million also devoted “to skill development“says François Bonneau.

How to strengthen the attractiveness of territories like Berry?

Relocating companies is a return to “Made in France” which is not necessarily easy for companies. They do not always find the right partners for their activity in our territory. “This is one of our main problems“explains Olivier Gaillaud, president of a company which is in the process of leaving Asia to set up part of its production in Loir-et-Cher. “We need to inject plastic parts. Where is this injector found? This is a central subject, identifying partners.

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Another subject: training. In the opinion of all the actors met in Issoudun during these workshops, it is necessary to strengthen training on the territory, particularly training on skills that companies lack. By questioning the actors of the local economy, the region identifies the needs. Among the professions in tension, and currently suffering, we find those of culture. In particular, the environment lacks administrative officers.

Networking more companies and partners, offering more training, territorializing skills: the avenues of work are numerous and still need to be refined. The 2022-2027 regional economic plan, inspired by this inventory of the local economy, will be unveiled next October.

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