The CCAS of Trélissac is looking for home helpers

As summer approaches, the CCAS de Trélissac publishes job offers for home helpers. Like every year, the Communal Center for Social Action is looking for replacements for employees who take their summer vacation, starting in June. But the Center has needs throughout the year.

From CDD to CDI, without training prerequisites

The summer contracts range from 25 to 30 hours per week, but Laure Ribière, the assistant director of the CCAS de Trélissac, specifies that these hours can be arranged. And, above all, that they can then lead to an extension and a CDI.
For this, no need for special training: “as long as people are motivated, and want to create links, that’s the main thing” says Laure Ribière. The CCAS offers for all new employees a duplicate with confirmed home helpers or carers “it’s a time to get to know the municipality, the team and the beneficiaries.”

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More beneficiaries

Currently, around 60 home helpers take care of 300 beneficiaries in the municipality of Trélissac. At least three or four are missing to allow teams to rotate regularly. “The profession is changing, and so are the needs: as the population ages, there is more need. But the services are also very numerous, so we all have trouble recruiting” explains Laure Ribière.
Another difficulty according to her: the lack of knowledge of the profession. Because between bathing, meals, cleaning and accompanying the elderly to go shopping or go to the doctor, for example, the job of home help requires great versatility. “It’s not an easy job, you have to be adaptable, but it can also be very fulfilling for people who like the link”.

If you want to apply, or information, you can contact the CCAS of Trélissac on 05 53 02 76 77 or at [email protected]

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