the castle of Chantilly bursts the screen in the film “The Gray Man”



Article written by

France 3 Picardie, T. Konate, H. Tanzit, S. le Fur – France 3

France Televisions

The Château de Chantilly steals the show from star Ryan Gosling in the film “The Gray Man”. Located in the Oise, it was used as a setting during filming a year ago. Since its broadcast on a platform, tourists have been flocking.

Déborah regularly visits the Château de Chantilly, in the Oise. This summer, it’s the seventh art, and more particularly the film Gray Manwhich aroused his curiosity. “They said it was happening in Croatia, but I immediately recognized that it was Chantilly. (…) I find it too cool”, she says. Tourists are intrigued, even admiring. “We can’t wait to discover the interior, since we saw it by computer graphics”says a woman.

With its 15 hectare park and its many outbuildings, it is difficult to miss the building, elected among 100 European castles by the duo of directors. From the Connétable’s terrace to the catwalks, where the spectacular final scenes took place, filming took place without damage. “I promise you, no castle was harmed during the making of this movie”, quipped actor Ryan Gosling. The scenes inside the castle, produced in computer-generated images, recreate the decor identically. “There are little winks, and elements that have been taken as is”says Diane Lafont, communications manager for the Château de Chantilly.

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