The brands of the large distribution are taking the opportunity! The Casino group has just opened O’caZ, a store that sells both new destocked products and second-hand products. It opened on September 21, just a stone’s throw from the Géant Casino store in Chenôve, rue de Longvic. This is the second O’caZ store opened in France after that of Haute-Loire in August. Michel Menneteau, Director of Offers and Partnerships at Casino France explains the concept to us.
France Bleu Bourgogne: Very concretely, in this O’caZ store, what do you find there?
Michel Menneteau : We find new products at unbeatable prices on essential products on the one hand, and second-hand products on the other. And finally, we find payment facilities to give everyone access to valued products. These products come from the arrivals of major brands that come from destockers. And then clearance products from our stores and warehouses.
And it’s really worth it. Is it really cheaper?
Yes, it’s cheaper, up to 70% cheaper than new on major brands. The experience of our price markers in our brands, “Lower, there’s no”, and the appetite for this type of brand have guided our thinking about the relevance of creating this store now. With such powerful and strong costs.
What can ultimately contribute to the success of your brand? In this context of inflation, is this an opportunity for people to go and do good business?
It’s exactly that. It’s good business because we offer original products every day to equip and decorate the home, a food assortment with low prices, then a very wide range of drugstore, hygiene and perfumery products. Every day, there is an event with weekly arrivals, destocking and also products that stick to seasonality. A stock that is finally constantly renewed. And that’s what makes the strength of this brand, constantly renewing our offers to be able to surprise our customers and bring low prices.
What also makes the strength of this concept are also these second-hand products, for example?
Yes, it is a strong focus on our marketing. In the concept, you will find second-hand or second-life products, we are starting with clothing with a ready-to-change supplier and refurbished products around telephony in particular. It is essential to propose this type of offer, there is a real appetite around our customers.