the case judged at the assizes on Monday

Two years after the facts, the alleged perpetrator, 22, is on trial this Monday and Tuesday before the Assize Court of Haute-Garonne, for several rapes. In the Papus district in Toulouse, a man climbs a facade and enters through a half-open window. The victim, 53, suffered two rapes, but despite the terror, tries to calm his attackerto reason with him.

She offers him a coffee, a cigarette, a “defense mechanism“, for his lawyer, Me Aurélia Sagansan. At this moment, she is afraid for her life. The man rapes her a third time and ends up leaving. He is found by the police thanks to theDNA identification and a European mandate that weighs on him. He is arrested in Germany, first denies the facts, before acknowledging them.

The trial, an ordeal for the victim

Maître Aurélia Sagansan, has been preparing for this trial with her client for two years. Two days which will necessarily be one test for her. “She is very anxious, she says_, that imposes on the one hand to relive the facts, to re-explain them for the umpteenth time and to find oneself in the presence of his attacker. His pain and his trauma do not stop at the evening of the facts. His life is permanently impacted.”

The alleged perpetrator, tried on Monday and Tuesday before the Assize Court of Haute-Garonne, risk 15 years in prison.

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