These departures “can only take place on a strictly voluntary basis, and within the framework of quality social support”, assures the distributor.
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The Carrefour group announced to AFP, on the sidelines of a staff representation body on Monday June 26, that until “979 departures would be likely to occur” in its French seats. The distributor presented its social partners with a “new organization” of these sites during this CSE.
“These departures will only concern head office employees, excluding those in stores or warehouses”, specifies Carrefour, which has offices in Massy (Essonne), Evry (Essonne) and Mondeville (Calvados). These departures “can only intervene on a strictly voluntary basis, and within the framework of quality social support”, assures the distributor. In mid-June, the CFDT had affirmed that “the first departures on a voluntary basis could take place at the end of August”.
This staff reduction target at head office level was known, with approximately “a thousand posts targeted solely at the group’s France scope”. This reorganization is part of the strategic plan for 2026, which provides for 4 billion euros in savings through “significant staff reductions in each” European seats. Staff reductions at European level are not yet known.