the Carrefour brand lowers the prices of around 500 products to cope with inflation



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

S. Lanson, A. Peyrout, M. Birden, J. Fantauzzo – France 3

France Televisions

More than 500 products, including 400 brands, will lower their prices at Carrefour in the coming days. What does this change? Response elements.

With orange “lower price” labels everywhere on the shelves, the Carrefour brand is trying to make it known. The prices of 500 products drop by 10% on average. But customers remain divided. “It’s never enough, we always want lower”, underlines a consumer. There are drops of -15% around certain oils, around -10% for certain yoghurts and pasta. The brand has not only reneged on its margins, but has been able to count on its suppliers, pressed by the government to act.

14% food inflation last month

“We managed to lower prices as part of the renegotiations which were reopened. We were able to reinject these reductions in sales products on the shelves”, says Christophe Chiaoui, director of price optimization for the Carrefour group. The Lidl brand was the first to launch this movement a few weeks ago. The price war is explained by the retention of customers, hit by inflation. Food inflation still reached 14% last month.

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