The Carpentras nautical stadium will close on Monday

No more pool on Monday. The town hall of Carpentras is obliged to close the nautical stadium on Mondaysdue to a lack of lifeguards. “We didn’t see it coming”, confides Serge Andrieu, the mayor of the city, at the microphone of France Bleu Vaucluse. Two lifeguards are missing, forcing the town hall to close one day a week to allow staff to rest.

To overcome this problem, the mayor will launch internal recruitmentwith municipal agents, to train replacement lifeguards: they will keep their position within the town hall, but will be able to take over from the lifeguards of the nautical stadium if necessary.

The lack of lifeguards is not not a novelty according to Thibaut Bravais, director of the French Rescue and First Aid Federation of Vaucluse, who does not say “not really surprised” by this ad. According to him, seasonal workers who agree to work over the three summer months are missing, hence the lack of lifeguards in post despite the number of people trained.

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