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The French are concerned about the well-being of seniors. The concern is all more strong since the revelations of the nursing home scandal Orpea.
VSHow to age well in France? Thursday March 24, journalist Adrien Rohardpresent on the set of 12/13, presents three citizens with whom he discussed this subject. VSt is a real concern for Régine, grandmother of six grandchildren, Thierry, a company director, and Andy, a student. Despite his young age, he ensures that the subject of seniorsinterested because “finally, if[il] does not worry about the living conditions of seniors today, it will not be legitimate to complain tomorrow“.
“Today, more than 18 million French people are over 60 years old. It represents one in four French people“, specifies the journalist Adrien Rohard. The questions from “aging well in France” and nursing home risk therefore to becomemore and more arduous and agonizing“. So what do the candidates offer? All wish to increase the financial and human resources in the Ehpad, as well as a strengthening of controls in these establishments. “Only Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Fabien Roussel go further, by wanting to ban private nursing homes“, adds the journalist. However, public establishments lack places.