The CAQ wants an extended Eastern REM in Lanaudière

Premier Legault would like to see the REM from the east extended to the Lanaudière region.

• Read also: Quebec and Montreal take control of the East REM project, the abandoned downtown section

Passing through this region, François Legault mentioned at a press conference that his team was going to evaluate the option of extending the REM de l’Est since, in his opinion, the train de l’Est is not the best option for residents of Lanaudiere.

“I know that the train from the East is not ideal because of the schedules, there are not many frequencies, it is long. We need a new project and to extend the REM de l’Est in Lanaudière. I think it’s a very good project and it’s going to be looked at, ”said the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister added that he wanted to have an electric transport model like the REM to serve this region.

This proposal will be reviewed by the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain and by the Ministère des Transports

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