(Quebec) The CAQ government rejects the request of Québec solidaire (QS) to hold general meetings on the aging of the population.
QS MP Christine Labrie made this request during a questioning at the Salon Bleu on Friday, saying she wanted transpartisan in-depth work like the “Dying with Dignity” project.
Mme Labrie and the PQ health spokesperson, Joël Arseneau, also denounced the absence of the minister responsible for Seniors, Sonia Bélanger, who gave way to the Minister of Cybersecurity, Éric Caire.
Mme Bélanger was in L’Assomption with Prime Minister François Legault Friday morning to inaugurate a seniors’ home there.
“I think his presence would have been more relevant here to discuss Quebec’s preparation for population aging than to go and cut a ribbon,” said Mr.me Labrie at a press briefing.
The MP deplored the fact that there was no “state of the situation” concerning seniors and the issues of financial security, housing, mobility and the development of public spaces, for example.
In 2021, 20% of the Quebec population was aged 65 and over. In 2041, the Quebec Statistics Institute predicts that this figure will rise to 26%. It was 7% in 1971.
“To ensure that each person can age with dignity in Quebec, we need an inventory and a clear game plan,” she declared.
In all these areas of seniors’ lives at the moment, we don’t even have an overview of the situation, the scale of the challenge we have before us to ensure we meet their needs.
Christine Labrie
She gave the example of the Age-Friendly Municipalities program which, between 2018 and 2023, made it possible to invest 7 million spread across 117 projects.
“Seven million, that’s what it cost for the Kings game,” said Mme Labrie, referring to the subsidy granted to the Los Angeles Kings for the holding of two preparatory matches in Quebec.
Mr. Caire responded that the “Aging Together” plan is being renewed. He said the government is “open” to suggestions, but ultimately the responsibility to govern rests with it.
“I don’t want to seem anti-States General, but aren’t we at the stage of developing actions,” he asked, inviting the opposition to helping the government improve its plan.
However, ultimately, “the responsibility to govern falls to the minister,” he ruled during the questioning.
“My aspirations are bigger than that,” replied Christine Labrie. My outstretched hand is still there, but I don’t 100% feel like it was accepted. »
Liberal MP Linda Caron also spoke out in favor of “real transpartisan work”.
“I don’t call it transpartisan work to present to us a plan that has already been started, or to say: ‘I’m going to make this announcement, get on board.’ That’s a courtesy,” she stressed.
One thing is certain, the current model of housing for seniors must be reviewed from top to bottom, otherwise the challenges will be “insurmountable,” said Mr. Arseneau.

The challenges will be “insurmountable” if we continue to invest massively in “concrete” rather than in home care, underlined the PQ health spokesperson, Joël Arseneau.
We must put an end to these massive investments in concrete for seniors’ homes and make a real shift towards home care.
Joel Arseneau
The Legault government announced this week new accelerated training for beneficiary attendants with the aim of training more staff working in home support.
Mr. Arseneau welcomes the initiative, which “is not bad in itself, but so much more is needed”.
In her most recent report, the Commissioner of Health and Well-being, Joanne Castonguay, stated that Quebec currently only meets 10% of the needs for home support hours.
More than 17,000 people were waiting for a first home support service in 2022, she reported.
The fact that it was the Minister of Cybersecurity who answered questions on Friday demonstrates the extent to which the Legault government takes the questions and this issue in particular “lightly”, according to Mr. Arseneau.
The last time the National Assembly discussed in depth, during an inquiry, the phenomenon of population aging dates back to 2011, 13 years ago.