The CAQ could delight Eastern Quebec at the PQ

While the Parti Québécois is counting on Eastern Quebec to survive, the Coalition Avenir Québec could make several gains there, according to a Synopsis poll. The leaders of the two teams will meet there today due to Hurricane Fiona.

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The formation of François Legault collects 44% of voting intentions in Eastern Quebec, according to a Synopsis Research Marketing survey, carried out on behalf of the CAQ. Paul St-Pierre-Plamondon’s PQ is far behind with 23%.

The evolutionary probe was carried out from August 28 to September 24, 2022 with 424 residents of Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine and Côte-Nord.

Respondents were recruited through online panels and the study was conducted online.

Québec solidaire collected 17% of voting intentions there. The Conservatives get 11% and the Liberals a meager 3%.

In addition, 46% of those polled believe that François Legault would make the best prime minister.

Visit to the East

The head of the CAQ will also be in eastern Quebec on Monday. He will make a first stop in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine to see the damage left by Hurricane Fiona. However, he had already planned to go there. He will also make a stop in Gaspé.

However, the PQ does not seem to want to let it go. Blown away by his performance in the leaders’ debate and recovered from his flu-like symptoms, the leader of the Parti Québécois will also fly to the Magdalen Islands to meet the victims devastated by Hurricane Fiona.

Tight races

The race could be particularly tight in several counties in Eastern Quebec.

According to Quebec 125 projections, outgoing PQ MP Joël Arseneau is neck and neck with CAQ candidate and mayor of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Jonathan Lapierre.

The PQ leader assures that his visit to the Islands is useful and that it is not a question of an image war between the PQ and the CAQ

“When it’s your own MP on your team and he’s responsible for coordination, it means identifying where we can be useful (…) so that our Parti Québécois MP is supported by the entire Parti Québécois,” he said. “When there is a disaster, everyone pitches in.”

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