“The Capitol Hyena”, Simon Liberati

“Here the twilight lasted longer than elsewhere, the time lost in Rome was not counted in the same way. » At the beginning of the 1970s, in Rome, we find Alexis and Taïné Tcherepakine, enfant terribles and debauchees in exile in the Italian capital, this “ancient matchmaker”. With The Capitol HyenaSimon Liberati adds a second volume to his “Possessed”, after The demons (Stock, 2020). Heavy from his youth that began too early, already withered despite his 19 years, Alexis is drifting, while his older sister has been floating for two years on a cloud of opium. In this city where “opportunity was grabbed by the hair at every street corner”, lulled by the sound of bells and the excitement of social life, they met a particularly poisonous woman, Dominique Mihrage, nicknamed “the Capitol hyena”. Both serious and light, with his dense and meticulous sentences, his taste for modern decadence, the author ofAnthology of apparitions takes us with him on this fascinating descent into hell.

The Capitol Hyena

★★★ 1/2

Simon Liberati, Stock, Paris, 2024, 306 pages

To watch on video

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