the capital targeted by Russian missile fire, at least three injured according to the authorities

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06:29 : To respond to this Russian invasion, Volodymyr Zelensky decreed last night the general mobilization in Ukraine. He also announced the recall of reservists within 90 days in all Ukrainian regions.

06:22 : The progression of Russian forces raises fears of an assault and the multiplication of targeted attacks on Kiev, where a curfew has been imposed. The governor of the Sumy region in the northwest of the country said that “gear [russes] left in the direction of Kiev, a lot of machines”.

06:14 : “The last time our capital experienced something like this was in 1941 when it was attacked by Nazi Germany. Ukraine defeated that demon and will defeat this one too.”

06:13 : Several explosions were heard in Kiev this morning at dawn, on the second day of the Russian invasion. According to the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, this is “Horrible Russian missile fire”which injured at least three people.

06:12 : According to journalists on the spot, the anti-bombing warning sirens are sounding again in Kiev as well as in Lviv, in western Ukraine.

06:06 : Let’s start by taking stock of the main information of this morning:

• Loud detonations were heard in Kiev this morning at dawn. The head of Ukrainian diplomacy denounced “horrifying Russian missile fire”which left at least three injured in the capital.

• The European Union announced last night new sanctions against Russia. In particular, the 27 will drastically limit Russia’s access to European capital markets and to “crucial technologies”.

• To counter the advance of Russian forces, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky yesterday decreed general mobilization in Ukraine. At least 137 Ukrainians, military or civilian, were killed yesterday and 316 were injured.

The UN Security Council meets at 9 p.m. for a vote on a draft resolution by the United States and Albania condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and calling on it to withdraw its troops immediately. . The text is doomed to failure because of Moscow’s right of veto.

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