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Four days before the first round of the presidential election, 13 Hours takes stock of the candidates’ proposals for purchasing power. Wednesday, April 6, he is interested in food shopping.
For his part, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France) offers 0% VAT for basic necessities. This is also the proposal of Marine Le Pen (RN), but on a larger basket of one hundred food and hygiene products. For Valérie Pécresse, this must go through better control of the margins of large retailers. For his part, Emmanuel Macron offers a food check. The objective is to strengthen short circuits. This is what Jean Lassalle also wants (Let’s resist!) by creating a peasant ticket, like a restaurant ticket. For Fabien Roussel (PCF), eating well means having access to a school canteen for the symbolic price of one euro. Anne Hidalgo (PS), meanwhile, also wants to end food insecurity