the candidates launch the final sprint before the first round of the election



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It’s time for the last big meetings and the last trips for the candidates before the first round of the presidential election, Sunday, April 10.

A musical committee welcomed Valérie Pécresse, Tuesday April 5, in Guadeloupe. The candidate (Les Républicains) visited a sugar factory and met the inhabitants in the streets. For his part, Jean-Luc Mélenchon distinguished himself with his holograms, allowing his meeting to be broadcast in twelve cities in France, at the same time.

Emmanuel Macron was traveling in Finistère and called on the French to be unfailingly European. The President of the Republic notably targeted Marine Le Pen (National Rally), who could face the candidate of the Republic running in the second round of the election. “Projects that turn their backs on Europe are harmful and deadly for the vocation of France and our future”launched the Head of State.

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