the candidates for the LR nomination compared their programs during a final debate before the congress



France 2

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The five right-wing candidates were on France 2, for a final debate, Tuesday, November 30.

One last confrontation, a few hours before the start of the activists’ vote. The five candidates for the nomination of the Republicans party took part in a final televised debate, Tuesday, November 30 on France 2, on the eve of the start of the first round of the online ballot. The show was the occasion to talk about their agenda beyond immigration and insecurity, which dominated the campaign.

First theme addressed: the state of the health system. For Valérie Pécresse, the report is overwhelming. “This Covid-19 crisis has revealed the state of our health: a breathless hospital held at arm’s length by committed but exhausted caregivers”, she said, proposing the recruitment of 25,000 caregivers. For his part, Xavier Bertrand praised the courage of the health staff, not without scratching Emmanuel Macron. Then Philippe Juvin, the candidate doctor, took control of the subject. “From next year I will double the number of second year medical students“, he indicated, advocating an obligation to spend a year in medical deserts.

In a cordial atmosphere, the candidates unrolled their proposals, with few differences between their programs. Activists are called to vote from Wednesday, December 1, 8 a.m. to Thursday, December 2, 2 p.m. The name of the winner of the second round will be announced on Saturday at 2:30 p.m.

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