In Cher, the education league has just completed its training session for the first module of the Bafa. They are three times less numerous than four years ago to have registered. At this rate, the next few years promise to be even more complicated than today. Only twelve trainees registered for the first training module offered by the teaching league this summer in Bourges: they were forty four years ago. At least 17-year-old trainees who paid 380 euros for these first 80 hours of training: ” We know very well that the BAFA is a cost ” analyzes Mélodie Ansbert, trainer at the Cher teaching league. ” If there are no helpers behind, it’s quite complicated to register. And then the job of animation makes you dream less. We are not very well paid, we work a lot of hours. We have a lot of responsibilities taking care of children. It is true that young people prefer to move towards other professions.”
– Michael Benoit
After this first module, trainees must complete a practical internship who is remunerated: Me, I am taken to Charost, to the center of the leisures the Poppies “ rejoices a young girl. ” I will be more on the category of 3 to 6 years old. I love people very much, especially children. My mother is a childminder, so I always used to be with the children. I’m in my bubble when I’m with them. I want to do a job that I like and this Bafa is a first step to start in animation. “ A vocation therefore for this young girl. Ines was less lucky and will not be able to do her practical internship this summer: “_They had accepted my request and a few days ago, they told me that they could not finally accommodate me. I am disappointed and I won’t do anything in this area before the All Saints holidays. They gave me no explanation.” _Count about 900 euros for a BAFA. The age could be lowered to 16 by the end of the year, to encourage more vocations. Information here.