the candidate will sing a duet with Pierre… under the eyes of her boyfriend!

It’s been weeks since the relationship between Héléna and Pierre, two students of the Star Academy, leads to questionsr. If the two candidates assure that they are simple friends and are also in a relationship respectively, one of their classmates eliminated, Clara came to confirm this. “I’m sorry to disappoint Internet users but no, it’s purely friendly what’s happening between Pierre and Hélèna. I know it can be misinterpreted but they were very close from the start because they shared their first duet together. Casually, it brings us closer! When I see on the networks that they are talking about a romantic threesome with Candice, it makes me die of laughter! Sorry to disappoint you, nothing is happening!” she assured during an interview the day after her elimination.

Nothing to convince the viewers who, every day, detect the little moments of complicity between the two students. A few days ago, it was a phone call from Hélèna to her darling that ignited things again. “He’s not her guy, it’s too mechanical, in fact they’re just friends, there’s no need to be dry like that”, “This call is a big joke”, “She’s more invested when she talks to Pierre” , “Not even one I love you, I don’t even miss you… this couple is weird…”, “but they’re weird lol, they look like brothers and sisters…”, “No, but the conversation there is on the level of a little couple of 12-13 years max!”, “It sounds weird. We don’t feel the love we miss, They talk to each other like a boss with his employee lol” launched Internet users when they saw that the young man did not question his darling about his worrying proximity to Pierre.

Héléna in a duo with Pierre on a symbolic date
If viewers enjoy the little production shenanigans to spice up daily life and increase audiences, today they have just noted the fact that it was announced that Pierre and Héléna will share the stage during the prime this Saturday, December 30, 2023. If this is not at all trivial at first glance, some recall that it is precisely this evening that the darling of the beautiful Héléna will be present in the public.


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