the candidate ministers will have to leave the government in the event of defeat


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15 ministers of the new government, including Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, are candidates for the legislative elections. The Élysée has warned: in the event of defeat, they will have to give up their position in government, as explained by journalist Jean-Christophe Galeazzi.

15 of the 28 members of the new government are candidates for the upcoming legislative elections, in particular the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne. “The Élysée has chosen to maintain the instructions already issued by Emmanuel Macron five years ago and inherited from Nicolas Sarkozy“in 2007, namely the ousting from the government of those who lost their election, recalls journalist Jean-Christophe Galeazzi. However, the rule is not enshrined in any legal text.

For 15 years, only Alain Juppé has paid the price for this rule. It was in 2007: appointed Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development and Planning, he retired after being narrowly beaten in his constituency of Gironde“, he continues. Whatever the results of the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron should make some adjustments during the summer and try to poach other members of the Republicans or the Socialist Party. Between business and the legislative elections, the composition of the government could well change in the coming weeks.

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