The candidate for “Large families, life in XXL” reveals more about the “astronomical sums” she receives!

In the Gayat family, we ask for the eldest daughter, Olivia. The young woman was one of the last guests of Jordan De Luxe in At Jordan’s. And obviously the mother of little Kayden has not failed to be questioned about his monthly income.

“I would say between 10 and 20,000 euros” per monthreplied the candidate of Large families, life in XXL on TF1. “It depends on the months, the brands, and there it went down, because last year during confinement it was crazy. Personally, I have already made months at 40,000 euros for one or two months. It’s a crazy thing. I was stable before, I always put money aside, I always knew how to manage my money, but when we got into this environment, we said to ourselves but it is absurd”she continued. “It’s astronomical sums, but on the other hand it’s a real job”. Amounts that allowed the young mother to put everything “aside to build (his) house”. “I’m not a spendthrift, I have a very quiet life, I’m not a fan of luxury. I bought myself a small car”.

“She earns money that we don’t earn”

Just before her, her parents faced the reporter. Olivier and Soukdavone Gayat indicated that they did not receive the same income as their offspring. “She earns money that we don’t earn”they said before the dad confessed to having struggled with this situation because his working days did not allow him to bring back as much money as she thanks to instagram : “At the time, I wasn’t winning 4000 balls, I was winning 1500 balls. And I rowed, I rowed”.

Moreover, the young grandfather tried his hand at the profession of influencer just like his wife … in vain. “And when I saw her really doing her job, I stopped doing product placements. For me, it was too complicated. I didn’t like it.” In this interview, he added that Olivia was very generous. “From time to time, she gives us an envelope, without being asked.”

See also: Ambre Dol, from “Large families, life in XXL”, compared to a “bag of bones”, Internet users are hallucinating

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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