the “candidacy” of Christiane Taubira is “above the parties”, assures the president of the PRG

“The PRG decided to support unanimously” the “rallying process” by Christiane Taubira, said on Franceinfo Wednesday, December 29, thehe president of the Left Radical Party (PRG), Guillaume Lacroix. The “candidacy” in the presidential election of the former Minister of Justice is “above the parties”, he assured. In a video posted on social networks, in mid-December, Christiane Taubira declared “to consider” be a candidate for the Élysée again, after having been in 2002 under the colors of the PRG, of which she is no longer a member today.

Asked about the forum published Wednesday by Christiane Taubira in the newspaper Le Monde, Guillaume Lacroix considered that it is “a manifesto for the unity of the French, a manifesto for the rally of the left, a manifesto also of political determination not to forget 2022 “. “I just tell them ‘it is our duty now to get together, to talk to each other'”, he added, addressing left-wing presidential candidates.

“On the left, our convergences are sufficient to allow us to govern together for five years”, wrote the former Keeper of the Seals in Le Monde, while acknowledging “a proven propensity to invent insurmountable quarrels between us”. “We have democratic instruments, and I pose that collective deliberation, under legislative procedure or in citizen form, must be rehabilitated to decide on these major issues”, she assured, seeming to mention the organization of a primary to decide between the different left candidates.

The Radical Left Party “had called for primaries in November 2020, more than a year ago, we were also looked at at the time by explaining to us that we were often quite out of date, that we no longer understood anything about the necessities from the moment”, recalled Guillaume Lacroix. “I am delighted to see that we were right too soon”, he quipped. According to him, “the primaries are useful because there is no possibility in this country that a left can govern if it is not in a unit”.

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