The Canadian | Wool, in good spirits

(Laval) Patrik Laine arrived in front of a microphone stand too small for his size as a big forward.

A clarification, to begin with: the term “big striker” used here is not pejorative, but rather refers to an expression used in our lands since at least Doug Wickenheiser, when the Canadiens began to constantly look for that rare pearl capable of shaking up rivals, but also capable of scoring goals.

The Canadiens have been looking for this man for a long time. Will it be Laine? Time will tell soon enough, but in the meantime, it appears that the main person concerned is happy to be here, even if the microphone stands are too small for him.

“I’m here to have fun!” he said Monday in Laval-sur-le-Lac. “There are quite a few people here. But it’s good. So far, everyone has welcomed me very well since I arrived.”

Laine wouldn’t be the first to arrive here and be a little disillusioned afterwards, especially if the defeats are more numerous than the victories, but for the time being, in any case, it was certainly a little refreshing to see a player arrive from elsewhere with a smile.

With the smile of someone who is here to have fun and who agreed to come despite the taxes, the orange cones and the Lafontaine tunnel which is still not repaired.

“I just want to stay healthy and have fun… when you can do that, then the odds of success are very good. I know the fans expect great things from me, and I expect great things from myself!

“It’s no secret the last couple of seasons have been a little tough for me, and it’s nice to get this opportunity here with this team, and that’s what I wanted. I think they’re building something here, and I’m happy to be a part of it.”

It should be remembered that the Canadiens picked up the 26-year-old forward just a month ago, as part of a trade that sent defenseman Jordan Harris to the Blue Jackets. Some will have already tried to warn Laine about what is sometimes called the “Montreal market,” this sort of Bermuda Triangle with a skating rink, which has a reputation for ending careers, according to the most pessimistic.

But it turns out that Laine doesn’t believe in such nonsense.

I think it’s good here because people take it to heart… If we lose, the fans will be angry, but that’s only because they take it to heart.

Patrick Laine

It’s not in the context of a day of golf that we’re going to draw conclusions and determine whether the Canadiens won this transaction with Columbus, but for the time being in any case, Patrik Laine is at least arriving in a very good frame of mind.

And he also believes he still has a lot to offer.

“I’m entering the best years of my career, and I think I still have several good seasons left. I’m trying to improve year after year, and I think I’ve managed to do that. Now I hope the results will come…”

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