The Canadian | Nothing new for Carey Price

Those who expected major revelations in the case of Carey Price were certainly disappointed.

Posted at 6:31 p.m.

Richard Labbe

Richard Labbe
The Press

Because Kent Hughes had nothing new to say in this thorny issue during his press briefing on Monday afternoon in Brossard. At best, Canadiens supporters will be able to fall back on this piece of information, which is still to be placed in the good news section: no, the famous goalkeeper has not had to undergo an operation since the end of the season, a scenario he himself had conjured up just at the start of his team’s summer vacation. Instead, Price had to undergo a knee injection, “something minor”, according to the general manager of the Canadian, who did not try to say more about the question. Nearly two months before the opening of training camp, here is where we are at the Canadiens as far as Carey Price is concerned: in total darkness. Recall that Price won the Masterton trophy in June, following his five-game season. As far as defender Jeff Petry is concerned, it’s a bit the same thing: nothing new to report. Kent Hughes repeated that he would try to trade the veteran, but only if the offer is worth it.

Richardson’s replacement still unknown

The Canadian lost one of his assistants recently, when Luke Richardson was named head coach of the Chicago Blackhawks. The news may not have taken anyone at the Canadiens by surprise, but it came at a bit of a bad time, when the club needs a teacher to guide the organization’s young defenders. For now, the successor of Richardson is still not known, but according to Kent Hughes, the quest for this purpose has already begun. “We will see what will happen, explained the DG Monday afternoon in Brossard. Martin [St-Louis, l’entraîneur] started talking to candidates to replace Luke, and if we find someone we really like, we might be able to decide as soon as possible. But we want to be sure that we can make the right decision. »

Romanov is expected

It’s not that easy for Russian players right now. Due to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, there are these stories that are complicated, among others that of the guard Ivan Fedotov, arrested and sent to the Russian Far North to do his military service with the Russian army, according to this that several media reported on Monday. Fedotov, a seventh-round pick of the Philadelphia Flyers in 2015, may not be returning to this continent anytime soon, but according to Kent Hughes, such a fate does not await Alexander Romanov, who should be able to return to Montreal soon. “He will return to North America this week, explained the general manager of the Canadian. We are in communication with him, and everything is under control. »

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