The camp of a Quebecer dismantled in Ottawa

One of the two main makeshift camps in Ottawa, where a majority of Quebecers have taken up residence to support the convoy of truckers, was finally dismantled under pressure from the police this morning.

• Read also: “Freedom convoy” this weekend: everything you need to know about the demonstrations in Quebec and Ottawa

“There, I have to leave before the police take me on board,” said Ronald Marenger, as he spoke one last time with the demonstrators.

The camp of a Quebecer dismantled in Ottawa

His camp, which was built in Confederation Park, was almost empty during the passage of the Newspaper. This is located about 300 m from the convoy in front of the Parliament.

A handful of Quebecers ate soup, while others moved the last pieces of wood to another camp on Coventry Street.

“I came here to help truckers in an emergency. I will continue my work and I will just change my center of operation,” insists Mr. Marenger, who lives in Gatineau.

Ronald Marenger also invited the demonstrators to follow him to the next camp since saunas will be at their disposal and massages offered.

The camp of a Quebecer dismantled in Ottawa

Tensions with police

“He has been asked to leave the park for a few days. It’s a private place. They finally decided to cooperate. For the moment, everything is going very calmly, ”said a policewoman on the spot.

The Journal spoke with the instigator of the encampment, but he remained vague on the reasons which lead him to leave Confederation Park.

“We are leaving out of respect with the city of Ottawa. This emergency site was supposed to last 48 hours. I decided to leave,” said Ronald Marenger, whose camp has been in place for at least a week.

The camp of a Quebecer dismantled in Ottawa

Shack of Discord

According to our information, the construction of a wooden hut on the site of the makeshift camp was the straw that broke the camel’s back. This construction, which serves as a restaurant for protesters, made headlines this week.

The camp of a Quebecer dismantled in Ottawa

During our visit, the cabin had not been moved.

“I am sorry to the City of Ottawa. My goal was not to harm, ”concludes Mr. Marenger. The latter then quickly ended our interview when a man warned him that the police were on their way.

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