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On Wednesday September 28, the Commercial Court of Lille decided to place the Camaïeu company in compulsory liquidation. Employees express their anger.
Thursday, September 29 in the morning, it is one of latest sunrises curtain for the Camaïeu brand before its final closure on Saturday 1er October evening. One of the employee representatives expresses his sadness and incomprehension. He cannot hide his anger. The day before, already, the employees had already expressed their despair after the decision of the Commercial Court of Lille (North). 40 years after its creation, the ready-to-wear brand is placed in compulsory liquidation. “A whole life in the trash, 2,700 people on the street… What do we do now?was moved an employee at the exit of the courtroom.
The shareholder Michel Ohayo is implicated by the employees of the group. The businessman had taken over the indebted brand in 2020, but failed to redress the accounts. The group’s 511 stores will therefore close their doors. This is a shock for the employees. “Overnight, you find yourself out of work, out of work…”, explains one of the employees. The State has undertaken to support the 2,600 dismissed employees.