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The Camaïeu brand and its employees now know the verdict. The company was placed in compulsory liquidation on Wednesday 28 September. 2,600 employees will find themselves unemployed.
Wednesday September 28, in Lille (Nord), after several hours of waiting, the faces are defeated. The employees of Camaïeu have just heard the court decision ordering the judicial liquidation of the company. It is impossible for them to hold back their anger. They accuse managers and shareholders. “A whole life in the trash, 2,600 people on the street… What do we do now”, gets angry an employee. The shareholder was ready to put 14 million euros on the table. This was insufficient, since 80 million were needed. The businessman and shareholder of Camaïeu refused to speak after leaving the courtroom.
2,600 employees will have to stop work on Saturday, October 1, before finding themselves unemployed. The news is hard to take. “I’m disappointed, because we lost everything somewhere. Today, I’m 57 and I find myself without a job”, explains a woman, moved. According to the brand, it was a court decision at the end of June 2022 that changed everything. Camaïeu found itself obliged to repay 70 million euros in unpaid rent during the Covid-19. A request impossible to satisfy given the level of indebtedness of the brand.