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For six months, two brothers have been producing the first AOP Camemberts de la Manche. They embarked on the adventure in order to make better use of the milk from their herd.
A Norman cow from La Rochelle-Normande (Manche), seven years old, is selected to compete at the next Agricultural Show. It is the flagship of the exploitation of 150 animals, all of Norman race. The Cahorel brothers’ GAEC produces more than one million liters of milk per year. Three-quarters are sold in a nearby factory, which produces pasteurized camemberts.
Since September, the last quarter has been reserved for AOP farmer’s camembert, made on site. “We wanted to look for an valorization with Norman milk, since (it) has the ability to be much more cheeseable than the other breeds”, explains Laurent Cahorel, co-associate at GAEC de la Métairie. He is the first in the Channel to obtain the label. The product reflects the personality of the terroir. “The climate, the type of grass that is grazed by the cows have a great impact on the quality of the milk, and necessarily on the taste of the camembert”says David Cahorel.