Facing Russia, French Caesar cannons allow Ukraine to hold its own in the intense artillery battle. An “artillery coalition” of countries supporting Ukraine, jointly led by France and the United States, should make it possible to send more cannons to the front and reverse the balance of power.
Reading time: 2 min

Most of the war in Ukraine is artillery duels. On the front lines, thousands of shells are fired every day and, in this matter, there is a clear advantage for the Russian artillery, which has a much larger stock of ammunition. To counter this advantage, 20 supporting countries of Ukraine decided to set up an “artillery coalition”, led by France and the United States. The objective is not to increase munitions deliveries to kyiv, but rather to deliver cannons more efficient than those of the Russians, such as the French Caesar.
It’s 9 p.m. in the Suippes training camp, in Marne. In the middle of the night, the three Caesars are in place and each of the gun commanders has just received the firing coordinates that a squad of observers, battling a fictitious enemy about six kilometers from their position, transmits to them. The pieces are adjusted and the order falls: “Section…shoot!“The three Caesars fire at the same time. Twelve shells in total which will take a minute to reach their target,” explains Quartermaster Jérémy, head of one of the three pieces, listening to the impacts.
The Caesar, “very efficient equipment”
The Caesar is one of the sophisticated guns that the “artillery coalition” intends to supply to Ukraine. A logical choice, believes Colonel Romain Cassan who commands the 68e African artillery regiment, on exercise that evening in Suippes. “We have not had any feedback on how the Ukrainians use it, he observes. But what the facts show is that, since the Caesar is once again requested by the Ukrainians, it is locally a ‘game changer’. The Caesar has been engaged, over the last 15 years, each time in very different operational conditions. So I’m not surprised that in an even different configuration, like in Ukraine, it’s very efficient equipment.”
72 Caesars are promised to Ukraine, in addition to the thirty already working on the ground, alongside some 200 American guns, all NATO standard. This is what could restore the balance of power for the moment clearly in favor of the Russians, notes General Jean-Michel Guilloton, who, for France, supervises the “artillery coalition” of support for the Ukraine.
“Quantitatively, the balance leans towards the Russian side, with a ratio of one to six when we talk about shells.”
Jean-Michel Guilloton, division generalat franceinfo
“Afterwards, we have to look at the qualitative aspect, continues the generaland it is certain that modern artillery of NATO standard which ranges further, which is more precise, makes it possible to optimize use and therefore to compensate for this balance of power unfavorable to the Ukrainian armed forces.”specifies the major general.
Poland also sent around fifty NATO standard artillery pieces and Ukraine also began producing such pieces: the Ukrainian Bodhana, 155 mm, 40 kilometers range, is the twin brother of the French Caesar .