The CA Brive women’s season as seen by their manager, Romain Cabanero

The women’s team has had a good run in the Federal 1 rugby championship. However, CA Brive lost Sunday May 24 against Gaillac (23-5). For their coach, Romain Cabanero, this defeat is a reflection of the season: “Rugbystically, we dominate, but without concretizing… we can’t manage to score to validate our highlights”.

The coach finds that the women’s season “It was complicated in the pool, we alternated between good and bad results. But we are in our place, we are in the eight best teams, so that’s pretty good” notes the coach.

“It was the goal we had set ourselves”, to be in the 8 – Romain Cabanero

It is therefore an encouraging season, explains the coach. “We end the season with few players but we have players who are present at training, who work hard to try to maintain the level, with their professional and family constraints. So yes, it’s an encouraging season that should bring others, future good seasons.”

A challenge: to keep the players and rise to the highest level in the coming years

The coach is optimistic, but Brive will have to achieve a major challenge for the coming seasons. “The very clear objective is going to be to go up very quickly. It would be good to also have the elite on the Corrèze” explains Romain Cabanero. To achieve this, it is no longer necessary to act only on training, which has already been done in the past, but on the senior team. “We are going to make communication policies on the fact that until the end of June, all our training will be open to all players who want to come and discover, whether young or old.” Important communication to expand the senior workforce. “It’s the big job, “because if we want to go up in the elite and the seniors, it is on the seniors that we will have to work.”

For that it is necessary “to work with the university, with the training courses around the Brive basin to see how we can do to have our players”, because they must be available for several training sessions per week with a slightly more intense program. “We must not forget that they are amateurs, we are talking about professional rugby, but no, we women are amateurs. There are some who have the right to federal contracts.”

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