This Monday, September 5, W9 has launched its new reality show titled The Fifty. A unique program where 50 personalities will live together and compete in a castle owned by the game master, a character with a golden lion mask. They will compete in knockout rounds to try to win up to 50,000 euros that a viewer can win. The public is solicited to eliminate the players one by one and elect a winner.
Among the personalities present, we find Maeva Ghennam, Greg Yega, Julien Bert, Simon Castaldi, Amélie Neten or Milla Jasmine. The latter has also been the subject of conversation of this first episode. Internet users were taken aback by the buttocks of the former candidate of the angels and Marseilles. In the second episode, the candidates competed in a sort of life-size dodge ball. They had to stay within the confines of the same square while they had to dodge tennis balls. The game ended when 15 candidates were hit. Mujdat’s ex was unfortunately affected just like Amélie Neten. When leaving the playground, the buttocks of the young woman aroused many comments…
“Milla’s butt is a parallelepiped!!”, “I’m looking at you in the fifties I thought you were Sarah Fraisou what happened to you, what do you weigh at least 90 kilos”, “It’s not an ass that she has, it’s a pregnancy of twins in the back or how is it”, “The ass of Milla Jasmine is frankly getting worse and worse. How she could have come to this, it’s horrible”, “But Milla her buttocks look like the schoolbags we put in primary school there”, Milla Jasmine it took 3 places”,could we read in the reactions on Twitter.
See also: Milla Jasmine mad with rage after her husband Lorenzo’s face was broadcast, she rushes to Paris
Adam Javal-Fauconnier