The business of Covid testers, no de-escalation on Ukraine, and a robot to shed light on life in the abyss

Covid tests have become a golden student job. Le Quart d’Heure also takes stock of the Ukrainian crisis, and introduces you to a robot which leaves to explore the deep ocean.

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If you too have the feeling that the barnum closest to you has become a bit like your second home, our survey should interest you. Covid testers, which France has had a huge need for a few weeks, have become the best student job of the moment. By simply registering, you can find yourself in a marquee, sometimes without training, and earn a minimum wage in 15 hours per week or even up to 7,000 euros per month.

Return also in this episode on the Ukrainian crisis. The one-hour telephone conversation between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine, Friday, January 28, gave them “allowed to agree on the need for de-escalation”says the Elysée. “President Putin has not expressed any offensive intentions”assumes the Presidency of the Republic, according to which the French Head of State has “demanded that Russia respect the sovereignty of States”.

According to the report of this conversation by the Kremlin, the Russian president nevertheless complained about the rejection of his demands by the United States and NATO, to which France belongs. They “did not take into account the fundamental concerns of Russia”, he argued. Moscow is asking in particular for an end to NATO’s policy of expansion.

Finally, head off the coast of Toulon to discover BathyBot, the first robot in the world to be deposited and left for years at 2,400 meters deep. The rover will study life in the abyss, and the researchers hope to obtain from it a lot of new information concerning global warming, or even bioluminescence.

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