the bus knocks the car down

The idea of ​​talking to you about this came to me when I saw an advertisement broadcast by the agglomeration of Bourges relayed by France bleu Berry: you see a woman on a bus and this message: “Do you think she is wasting her time? No, she saves 2256 euros 60 per year”.

An economical means of transport

Which is the result of a very serious calculation. The bus company has released a free simulator that allows you to play the match bus against car, ticket price versus fuel and maintenance…

If we have access…

Indeed, many of you are testifying on a daily basis, like Michèle yesterday in the Somme… car essential… this will be the subject of another column… how to save money when you have no other choice but the car…

The different types of public transport have financial advantages

Or the tram, or the metro… when public transport can replace even a car in the household, it will cost you between 300 to 800 euros per year compared to 6000 euros per year (low range) for the car…

Several territories carry out offensive policies

Latest example to date, the city of Morlaix, which on September 1st became the 5th city in Brittany with a free transport network! The objective for elected officials is to increase public transport use by 20%… to cope with inflation and to be in phase with the policy of combating the global warming

The President of the Rouen Normandy Metropolis, Nicolas Mayer Rossignol presents his city as the capital of “mobility tomorrow”, and with a new fleet of electric buses, new routes are striking: “If you scrap your car, he says, you can use all public transport in the metropolis free of charge for two years”. This device, already tested in Barcelona, ​​would be a 1st in France… we follow the evolution…

The numbers say it all

40% of car journeys are less than 3 kilometers long…

60% of home-work journeys are between 1 and 2 kilometres. What is certain is that the car is very expensive, and that when we can do without it, we will make substantial savings. The car, which, moreover, represents almost a third of the greenhouse gas emissions in France.

Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.

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