the budget of the armies in the United Kingdom and in Finland

Every day, the correspondents’ club describes how the same current event is illustrated in two countries.

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A Leclerc tank of the French army on maneuvers in the Marne, May 1, 2023. (FRANCOIS NASCIMBENI / AFP)

French deputies are debating from Monday May 22 the significant increase in the budget of the armies. With 413 billion euros over seven years (2024-2030), the envelope for this new military programming law is significantly higher than that adopted under the previous five-year term (295 billion for 2019-2025).

The stated objective is to modernize the army, in particular its nuclear deterrent, to improve the treatment of troops, to renew equipment but also to invest in cyber, space and control of the seabed. The return of war to Europe is one of the key factors in this rising budget. It should be used to compensate for the weaknesses highlighted by the Ukrainian conflict, particularly in terms of drones and the fight against drones. Thirteen billion extra-budgetary receipts will also be used to finance military aid to kyiv.

For its part, the United Kingdom, although very involved in this war alongside Ukraine, is preparing to revise its budget downwards, while Finland, a new member of NATO and neighbor of Russia, she always considered a threatening and unpredictable country, decided to maintain her military service.

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