the brother of Gims anguished when he learned that he was going to become a father, this “trauma” and this “fear” which resurfaced!

Learning that one becomes a father is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful news that a man can learn in his life. But as far as Dadju is concerned, this was not the case. Not that Gims’ brother didn’t want children, but he was overwhelmed with enormous anguish when his wife broke the news to him, due to childhood trauma, as he confided. in the show As an aside this Wednesday, May 11 on Canal +.

A trauma partly due to his father as he already mentioned in 2021 in the report Talk like never before on Brut X. “My dad and my mom separated when I was 10, 11. So I only grew up with my mom. She raised me, she tried to replace my dad who wasn’t there. I resented my father a lot at first. […] He said, ‘I’m coming. And he never came back… One day, two days, two weeks, two years”he confided at first before recalling a sad anecdote: “And after 2 years, he called again. It was for my birthday, he said to me: ‘I’m taking you to DoMac’. Except that my birthday had already passed but he said to me: ‘I I haven’t forgotten you'”.

The fear that reappeared

But during his passage fromAs an aside, Dadju spoke of another period of his life. Always in relation to his childhood, the brother of Gims was openly about the complicated moments spent in the street and in the homes. A period that traumatized the artist… “Until today for me, it’s a trauma. I’m not ashamed to say that, I’m traumatized by that. And the more the years pass, the more the money goes up, and the more I have fear”. It is because of these difficult years that at the announcement of the pregnancy of his companion, the young singer lost his means, bringing out this trauma that he had tried to bury deep within him.

“I hit the peak of this fear when my wife told me she was pregnant. That’s when I hit the peak, I was like ‘Oh shit ‘. This is Dadju who got married and who is going to have a child, I can’t disappear anymore… If I’m not there, I’m taking someone’s father away…”he confessed with great emotion.

See also: Zapping: Dadju confuses Sophie Davant with Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine


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