The brother of a Bataclan terrorist arrested in Bas-Rhin

Two weeks after being stripped of French nationality, Karim Mohamed-Aggad was arrested this Friday, December 1 in Wissembourg. He is the brother of one of the terrorists of November 13, 2015 at the Bataclan.

Residents of Wissembourg (Bas-Rhin) saw members of the National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN) arrive in the city center this Friday, December 1 at dawn. They arrested Karim Mohamed-Aggad, 33 years old and brother of one of the terrorists of the attacks of November 13, 2015, Foued Mohamed-Aggad. Information from the regional daily Latest News of Alsace (DNA), confirmed by the mayor of the town Sandra Junck. “This is an administrative arrest following the decision of Madame Borne a few weeks ago“, specifies the councilor.

Karim Mohamed-Aggad had in fact been stripped of his French nationality by a decree published in the official journal and signed by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne. For a French citizen to be deprived of his nationality, he must have the nationality of another State, he must behave like a citizen of this State, and he must have committed acts contrary to the interests of France, according to the Public Service website.

Karim Mohamed-Aggad was convicted by the courts for joining the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria in 2013-2014. He left with his little brother, Foued Mohamed-Aggad, who later became a member of the commando which attacked the Bataclan. When he returned, he was sentenced to nine years in prison. He was released in 2022, before being imprisoned again for six months for having violated his obligation not to leave Wissembourg. “This person should therefore no longer live in Wissembourg, the inhabitants will finally be able to put this whole story behind them“, says Mayor Sandra Junck. His nationality stripped, Karim Mohamed-Aggad can now be expelled from French territory if all conditions are otherwise met. His father has Algerian nationality, his mother, convicted of financing terrorism in 2022, is Moroccan.

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