the Brittany region wants to help companies increase the salaries of drivers

The objective is to recruit school bus drivers! There is currently a shortage of more than 500 drivers in Brittany to ensure a smooth return to school. Raising salaries is one of the levers for attracting more candidates. The regional council of Brittany is ready to put its hand in the pocket to finance part of the salary increases. The region has started discussions with the Breton delegation of the Federation of Passenger Transport (FNTV) to support companies.

To go beyond the upgrades negotiated at the national level

National negotiations allowed wage increases of 2% in October, then 3% in May, “çwill probably not be enough to attract candidates” believes Michaël Quernez, vice president of the Brittany region in charge of integration and the economy. “You have to keep in mind that a driver earns an average of 450 euros per month, on part-time. With often working hours in the morning and at the end of the day. The Covid crisis has reduced salary supplements with the cessation of transport for extra-curricular activities. We are discussing with carriers the possibility of paying for the hours when drivers are not driving but are on duty, and cannot have other activities” indicates the vice-president to the region.

Up to 150 euros monthly premium for certain contracts

The amount of the bonuses is not yet fixed and could depend on the types of contract, but there is already an agreement in principle on this salary increase “our discussions now focus on the financial effort that the carriers and the Region will have to make” says Michaël Quernez. The discussions should be concluded in the coming days. The objective for the region is to anticipate the start of the new school year as well as possible to ensure the transport of some 100,000 young Bretons who reach their establishment every day thanks to the Breizhgo network.

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