the British community of Gouarec prepares the festivities



Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

C. Wormser, G. Sabin, S. Ruaux – France 2

France Televisions

It is not only in the United Kingdom that people are preparing to live intensely the coronation of Charles III. Example in Gouarec, in the Côtes d’Armor, where nearly a hundred British nationals live in this village of 900 inhabitants.

Mowing your lawn in the rain, it’s almost like being in England. But when the sun returns, Marylin Le Moigne takes the opportunity to take care of her English garden, which she shows around in the summer. Installed here since 2001, she awaits the coronation of Charles III impatiently. “It’s historic, there is little chance that I will see another one”, says the resident of Gouarec. In this village of 1,000 inhabitants, 10% of the population is English-speaking.

To discover the English ceremonial

The meeting point of this community is the grocery store. Saturday May 6 for the occasion, many will prepare a famous dessert across the Channel, the English trifle. “It consists of a sponge cake with cream and jam. A mixture of fruits, jelly, and pastry cream”, describes Paul Whiten, grocer. Dishes that will end up on the table of these three friends, who are organizing a life-size dance evening in honor of the sovereign in their living room on Sunday evening. “We can always make discover the English ceremonial with this event to our French friends”rejoices Mick Parmintea.

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