the British city of Liverpool will host the contest on behalf of Ukraine

The United Kingdom had committed to organizing the competition in place from Ukraine, winning country of the 2022 editionbut incapacitated to host the competition due to the war.

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A 67th edition which already promises to be very political. The city of Liverpool, in the north of England, will host the Eurovision Song Contest in May 2023, announced on Friday 7 October the BBC Eurovision presenter Graham Norton. The United Kingdom had undertaken to organize the competition on behalf of Ukraine, the winning country of the 2022 edition, but unable to host the competition due to the war.

Liverpool won against the Scottish city of Glasgow. The semi-finals will take place on May 9 and 11, and the final will take place on May 13. “We did it!”, welcomed on Twitter Joanne Andersonthe mayor of Liverpool, the city of the Beatles.

After its symbolic first place in Turin, Italy, last May, Ukraine was deprived in June of the right to host Eurovision by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which considered that the security conditions were not met due to the invasion of the country by Russia. About 10,000 people are involved in the production of Eurovision, which also attracts thousands of fans.

An agreement had been announced on July 25 by the EBU and the British government for the BBC to stage the contest in the United Kingdom, which came second behind Ukraine, in a version that will feature the country still at war. The United Kingdom will thus host the competition for the ninth time. The last edition organized by the country dates back to 1998, in Birmingham, central England.

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