The Brazilian Minister of Economy adds a layer…

“The president said it, and it’s the truth. This woman is really ugly”, declared in 2019 Paulo Guedes against Brigitte Macron, during an event in Fortaleza (Ceara, north). The Minister of Economy added: “There are no ugly women, only women looked at from the wrong angle”. However, in a statement, he had “apologized” for this “joke.” “The minister’s intention was to illustrate that issues relevant and urgent to the country do not have the place they should have in the public debate. There was no intention to utter personal insults” .

Three years later, Tuesday August 9, Paulo Guedes attacked France. “You had better treat us well, otherwise we’ll send you to fuck off”he dropped during a congress of business leaders in Brasília. “These are futile accusations! You didn’t burn Notre-Dame, but you failed to prevent the small block (where the cathedral is located) from catching fire. At home, (the Amazon rainforest) is bigger than Europe and you are criticizing us.” The latter did not appreciate Emmanuel Macron’s doubts about the Brazilian government’s ability to defend the environment, particularly in the Amazon.

Words that will not please the President of the Republic. The Head of State is preparing, with Brigitte Macron, to make their first official outing since the beginning of their stay at Fort de Brégançon, which began on July 29. They will attend the 78th anniversary of the liberation of Bormes-les-Mimosas, as indicated by the Élysée.

See also: Emmanuel Macron rolls out the red carpet for the President of the United Arab Emirates and Brigitte pulls out all the stops, her wonderfully mind-blowing dress!

Etienne-Hadrien Feyrandrier

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