The Bovets, baseball and political buffs

They are both baseball and political enthusiasts. Sébastien Bovet, parliamentary bureau chief and Radio-Canada host, is preparing for the next provincial election campaign. His son Olivier, star player of the Diamonds of Quebec, shines in the playoffs of junior baseball. The sun gave them an appointment on the grass surface of Stade Canac to talk about their respective “real season”.

Posted at 9:06

Mikael Lalancette
The sun

When the Bovets set foot on the Parc Victoria baseball field at noon on Tuesday, the sun was shining brightly. This sport and this terrain, the place of many family outings, no longer hold any secrets for the father and the son, even if nothing destined them to do so. “I started playing in the street with friends and I got hooked,” says Sébastien Bovet, whose parents left Europe for Canada. The genes [de joueur] Olivier inherited them from his mother, she who was a formidable softball player. »

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